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24.01 -0.39 (-1.60%)

47.10% Fall from 52W High

5.4M XNYS Volume

XNYS 21 Mar, 2025 5:30 PM (EDT)

Insider Trading disclosures for ST Microelectronics - New York Shares

There were no Insider Trade disclosures made for ST Microelectronics - New York Shares

Insider trading is the trading of a company’s securities by individuals with access to confidential or material non-public information about the company. A company is required to report trading by corporate officers, directors, or other company members with significant access to privileged information to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Client Name Client Category Action Reported to Exchange Quantity Post Transaction Holding Traded % Avg. Price Value Security Type
*All Values are in $ Million
Client Category: Promoter/ KMP/ Director / Immediate Relatives / Employee / etc  
Security Type: Share/ Warrants / Convertible Debentures
Data as reported to USA Exchanges
View All The Insider Trades disclosures